Sunday, May 24, 2015

The New cannabis user!!!! It's the AARP crowd!

Believe it of not, but after working in a dispensary for over 6 years now, I can without a doubt declare that the largest percentage of new users are the AARP crowd!
Our little old grammas and grandpa's are wanting to toss their prescribed drugs out the window and are willing to give cannabis a try.
Thank Dr. Gutpa for coming out wit Weeds, 1,2 and 3 on CNN and do these three documentaries on the benefits of using cannabis. I really think cannabis is becoming more and more acceptable, and when people are talking about it on TV, why not give it a try!
Well, I hope people's reason's for trying cannabis have a little more to do with wanting help with their personal issues than it's the newest fad, but honestly whatever it takes to get cannabis to be accepted is the real goal. When children can try it and see if cannabis reduce their debilitating seizures? Or other chronic issues. Can concentrated amounts of cannabis oil cure cancer? Help people win the battles of PSTD?
So as cannabis becomes legal in more states, and more states start allowing cannabis to legally be used as a medicine the interest in "will cannabis work for me?" blossoms. And with a smile on my face, I am proud when I get to say "No, It's not the kids I serve, It our AARPers!" They keep us in business, they are our real business! Them and women over the age of 40, they are the next up and comers in the using of cannabis. They are finding that cannabis is what they really need to help their medical issues and gets them through the day. I hear more and more patients say, " I would rather use cannabis than take a pill." or "I hate the side affect that prescribed medicine causes me."
And cannabis is an all in one kind of medicine. You can use it for nausea, and to increase appetite.  For pain and to decrease muscle spasms. It can be used for insomnia, and then used for uplifting qualities that help with depression and PTSD.
I feel our older generations are wiser, know more and therefore where some would think they would want to try cannabis, it's actually the opposite. Our older generation are actually shocking me a little and coming in by the masses. They may seem shy to begin with, but we are big talkers at our dispensary and so getting them as excited about trying cannabis is easy. And with the industry blossoming with the latest and greatest of vaper pens, pre filled cartridges, cannabis consumption is just getting more and more convenient and is selling like hot cakes!
So when you think to yourself, (If you think this way) that all these cannabis dispensaries, or having dispensaries open where you live are going to corrupt our children, Please take it from a 6+ year bud tender, your teens get there cannabis from their friends and (sorry) but their parents stash. Not trying to sneak into a dispensary. It's your parents and your kids grandparents!
Along with the normal talks about not wanting to use pills for sleep and pain our AARP crowd talks a lot about how  they use cannabis as a anti-depressant. A creativity drug. Some say they use to write, and draw and dance. Patients even have discussed how using cannabis helps their libido and is especially fun when your partner is willing to try it too.
So whether you are a true believer of cannabis or a skeptic and anti cannabis person, cannabis use is growing. More and more people are willing to give it a try.
And to my surprise it's our older wiser generation.
So the next time you smell the sweetness of the green look twice, it may be your older neighbor lady not the teenage kid next door!  

we need cannabis oil to keep ANGELIONESS ALIVE!!!! ANYONE ABLE TO HELP???

I work with dying cancer patients all the time. I have even befriended them, and help some personal friends try and use cannabis oil to cure themselves from cancer. I have been blessed to actually be able to be successful and help some people remain cancer free still. But it's a struggle, the large amounts of cannabis oil that cancer patients need is costly and while everyone seems to cheer them on, there isn't a place to go and get your "free oil" to save your life.
Today I am especially upset about a friend I will call Angelioness! She has been dying kind of cancer for what seem like almost 2 years now and consumes as much oil as she can afford. I believe she must be up to about 300+ grams of oil by now, and sadly because we cannot keep her using cannabis oil regularly and in my opinion more often and more of it, I see that her pain is increasing and death seems closer than not.
She is a true cannabis believer/warrior, and I just wish somehow, somewhere, someone would give her all the oil her needs. People have helped her, and our dispensaries helps everyway we can, but it's still not FREE. and when you are on hospice and there is no way to work, how to do pay for this miracle oil?
I feel lost, I have helped her and her family anyway I can, but I also can't hand over my personal medicine and go without. And may people out in the industry are trying to make it themselves from paycheck to paycheck that "FREE medicine for all those in need" doesn't exist not even for children of those on their death beds.
If you are looking at cannabis as an option to help you or your loved ones know it's super expensive and for those who need RSO or concentrated cannabis oil, it could be in the thousands of dollars.
I love cannabis oil, I know it can help and even for some cure their cancer.
Our angelioness, as proven without a doubt that when doctors said she only had months to live, they were WRONG. and that with cannabis oil she has beat all the odds.
I know she is in so much pain, and struggles to continue the fight and struggles to find the funds to continue the oil she needs to stay alive.
If you are reading this, and you have funds to donate, or oil to help. Or even high quality organic cannabis to make her medicine and want to HELP SOME!!!
PLEASE CONTACT US!!! Here comment below. write my email
We are desperate, and time is sadly winning the battle.
If you can help, in anyway by sharing this blog entry, to a donation, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.
I wish that Stanford or UCSF wanted to study how amazing it is that cannabis has been keeping her alive this whole time. and without cannabis oil we are all at a loss.
She is too sick now to contact dispensaries, and shout out to the world that she believes her cannabis oil has and is keeping her alive. But she needs more. How can we help her?
anyone? please?
~Peace ICan Cannabis Blogger

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dabs, waxs, shatter, what happend to cannabis bud?

While cannabis buds or flowers are still the main way people consume cannabis!
And yes, more people are choosing to consuming cannabis by eating it, drinking it, or rubbing it on to help with aches and pains.
But what is everyone talking about when saying "dabbing?"
I have a really simple non scientific explanation that I really like using with new cannabis patients (at the dispensary I work at.)
I take out some cannabis buds and I explain it like this (since our dispensary is awesome and test our flowers for mold, pesticides etc. and does a cannabinoid profile giving patients the THC and CBD percentages too)
So I explain that Cannabis buds usually test between about 7%THC-as high as 35% THC. and we then burn up the rest of the bud.
Next I show them the Kief (the tricomes in powder form) and hashish (in pressed form) or made from water extraction (those tricome concentrates) typically test around 20%THC to 70+% THC. I explain that with kief, and hash the product are not made with solvents.
Then there is concentrates aka: dabs, oils, waxes, shatter, crumble, etc....
The names seem to have a lot to do with what it looks like. Is its earwaxy? Yes, there is a cannabis concentrate called earwax. But concentrated cannabis aka dabs or vaping can test with THC ranging from 25+% THC to 90+% THC. There is only the best of the best left all the lovely cannabinoids and usually high amounts of THC. So a little goes a long way, and "a little DaB will do!"
However, concentrated cannabis comes at a great risk, in that much of it is made with solvents like explosive butane. Different kinds of alcohol that can be flammable. But there are also safer, healthier ways that the cannabis community is learning to make our coveted Dabs!! Like with Co2, or Oxygen and Nitrogen. Of course people are learning how to make cleaner and safer products for our patients. When I can take a couple of draws off my vape pen, with 87% Sour Diesel it isn't but a few minutes until my pains are lessened and my head is clear and ready to get started. Concentrated cannabis  allows me not to stink like when I smoke the cannabis flower. and a little goes a long way in that a couple of puff off my lovely vaper globe and I am set.
My lungs are not exhaling smoke, with C02 extraction only the best and the cleanest cannabis is left behind and I actually notice that I don't cough of that stoner's flem I use to.
So whether you run into concentrated cannabis and they call it Dabs, or was, or shatter or goo, give it a try. Remember vaping expands differently in your lungs (almost like you can't feel your lungs are full) so start off with smaller puffs till you find what amount is best for you.
More on which dab device is best for your fine cannabis concentrates on the next edition of
The cannabis can generation!
~Peace Ican Cannabis Blogger    

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I am Now a legal Medicinal marijuana Patient. So now what do I do?: The "How to" Blog, for New Medicinal Marijuana Pat...

I am Now a legal Medicinal marijuana Patient. So now what do I do?: The "How to" Blog, for New Medicinal Marijuana Pat...: Working In a legal licenced dispensary in California, I believe that MOST new patients need is a step by step guide to answer the many quest...

I am Now a legal Medicinal marijuana Patient. So now what do I do?: IT'S A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!! when it comes to medical...

I am Now a legal Medicinal marijuana Patient. So now what do I do?: IT'S A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!! when it comes to medical...: For many people, especially those new medical cannabis patients, some have "tried" cannabis many moons ago, back in the day, and t...

New cannabis patients! WHY Not try now? With FDA Aprroval etc.. it could be years for pure US LEGALIZATION.

So if you don't already know this, you should know it now that there are not exact perceptions or exact recommendations on how much cannabis one should use. Especially because there are so many different ways to use cannabis: smoke, vape, eat, drink, rub it on. The instructions and doses are very individualized. It's not like take one pill very 4-6 hours for pain. Cannabis in my opinion is a truly personal medicine and your dose has to be discovered and determined by you. The cannabis community has tried to come up with industry standards for how much edibles people should consume per dose, but it varies from 15-30 mg per person. I think that is a pretty big range and I personally have seen patients need much less for their needs (more like 7.5 mg when eating it)
So now that I have confused you, that there isn't one set dose, I hopefully have not scared you away from trying cannabis as your medicine (remember to just start off small, and work up from there)
Before I go on, I want to add this very important part about cannabis, to date not one person has actually died from the over consumption of cannabis. There are myths and rumors, but truly not one proven case that any has died from the over use of cannabis. Over medicating can be uncomfortable and even worse feel like you are dying. But you are not dying, you are paranoid. Too much cannabis can have serious feeling symptoms, but in truth telling your self you have over medicated, try and breathe and sleep if you can and tomorrow you will feel completely different.
In addition to that, I recently watched Weed #3 with Dr. Gupta, and scientist are studying in eupore that cannabis does not affect the neurotransmitters in the brain stem unlike other drugs where it does cause the damage that other drugs can cause, thus why cannabis has not killed anyone. It doesn't damage the brain like other drugs, in fact new studies are saying it can help reproduce and regrow damaged brain cells from the beneficial cannabinoids in cannabis.
In the 6 + years I have worked in the dispensary helping patients directly, I have learned that because patients are sick of the side affects of the medicines they are being prescribed, and often they don't work, or the side affects are worse that the disease itself, people are not waiting for long term studies on the negative affects of using cannabis. I keep calling this the cannabis can generation, It is! People are stepping out of their comfort zones and trying cannabis for all kinds of issues. Pain, seizures, PTSD, MS, Crone disease, migraine and much much more.
I am amazed that over the last oh 2 years I have seen a jump in brand new cannabis patients. They are not going to wait for legalization, they want to try cannabis for medicinal purposes and are going to doctors willing to recommend they try it.
Remember I will go into more specific blogs on how to use cannabis, since there are so many different ways that it can be affective, so keep reading my blog, (even follow it) and I promise to continue to cover as many topics of cannabis that I can write about.
If you think cannabis is bull crap, and will not work for you, I am sure like other medicines it WONT. But if you are tired of your pain pills, or living with spasms, no appetite or not sleeping, having PTSD, please think about giving cannabis a try. I talk with patients everyday on how cannabis has changed their lives, relationships and attitude of life.
Yes there are those so called "stoners" that say they just get high to get high. But upon longer conversations, I find a common ground and we can develop the reason they may use cannabis is to escape from past experiences that caused them harm. PTSD! Some reading this is saying that is just addiction, well maybe, but maybe not. If cannabis can help your mind escape the over whelming traumas that have occurred, and trauma to the point, you are no longer living, loving caring about anything. But cannabis, can put those traumas' out of point of view, causing side affects of euphoria, enlightment, happiness, calmness.  Which would you choose.
Yes, there are many skeptics on cannabis, and drugs and why we use them. I see cannabis as a way that can help people in so many different ways its incredible.
Please post questions, comments, and subjects you want written about. if I can't write about it myself, I will go out and find another article and share it with you. With full credit to the blogger, author of course.
Ican cannabis blogger

Thursday, May 14, 2015

step out of the cannabis closet, and try going GREEN!

Marijuana Phytotherapy: How to Make Cannabis Whole Plant Resin
CANNABIS CULTURE - Learn to extract cannabis resins that could potentially help fight off illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Herb the HerbalistYou have probably heard of the "major cancer epidemic" going on today, where it is estimated that "one in every two men" and "one in every three women" get cancer in their lifetimes. If not, please see 10:30 of this clip from the film The Corporation. This cancer-rate estimate came before the Fukushima nuclear accident that is currently dumping radiation all over the world.
Perhaps you have heard of cannabis's reputation as a tumor-shrinking medicine? Apparently the US Government knew this back in 1974 and kept it secret.
Have you seen the US patents on cannabis? This is just one of thousands.
There are many videos on YouTube regarding cannabis's tumor-shrinking powers and rapid healing properties. Two of the best are What if Cannabis Cured Cancer and Run From The Cure.
But the latest wave of cancer-related cannabis videos involves the juicing of raw cannabis leaves and buds. This method allows a person to consume much greater amounts of the medicinal ingredients in a juice form than they could if they were just eating raw cannabis leaves or buds (which are hard to swallow and digest due to the scratchy texture).
We all have an Endo-Cannabinoid System (ECS) in our bodies. That system regulates our health and well-being.
When a human being reaches mid-life, the inflammatory arm of the immune system takes on characteristics of an autoimmune disorder for which
the Conditionally Essential Cannabinoid Acids (CECAs) provide unique prophylactic and therapeutic relief.
Cannabinoids effect on diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disorders and ischemic conditions qualify them for recognition as Essential Cannabinoid Acids across the entire life span. Cannabis is a uniquely functional food and if used in its natural state daily, provides more than just nutritional benefits. Smoking does help reduce the symptoms of many conditions but in general it does not work on a curative level like oral consumption does.
One of the benefits of juicing raw cannabis is that, if you manage to avoid heating the cannabis, it isn't psychoactive. This proves cannabis is, at heart, a vegetable, and in it's best form a preventative medicine. Try to consume the juice 3-5 times per day (the metaphor is like a deer grazes). The cannabinoids do their job in the body in about 15 minutes, so supplementing your Endo Cannabinoid System (ECS) all day would be the most ideal treatment program for all sorts of illness and is good for people who want to get rid of their tumors as fast as possible.
If you happen to be a cannabis grower or know a cannabis grower who can provide you with raw plant material, the videos LEAF: The Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Cannabis and The Power of Raw Cannabis may be some use to you.
If you don't grow or know any growers and only have access to the dry cannabis buds, try this recipe for a buds-only treatment.
Suggested treatment for someone with cancer is 6 ounces or more. This recipe is for 3 ounces.
  • Grind/crush 3 ounces of well-dried top-quality cannabis buds
  • Put cannabis in 20 liters of cold water and stir for 15 minutes
  • Pour through a strainer or the largest micron size of bubble bag - don't throw out the buds, stems and leaves yet!
  • Let mixture settle 15-30 min. The crystal/trichomes/hash/kief will fall down and settle on the bottom
  • Pour/Siphon the water into another pot, leaving the kief mixture behind. Once you pour out most of the water (to about 1/2 inch from the bottom) pour out kief mixture and set aside
  • Boil down the water you poured out on mid temperature (7) on the stove burner
  • Keep an eye on the water as it reduces and scrape and stir in the oils that form around the sides of the pot.
  • Repeat the process with another 20 liters of cold water for a second wash.
  • Keep boiling it down to a black, sticky substance - slowly reducing the temp as the water evaporates - don't burn it. (As the mixture thickens add it to the final reduction sauce pan)
  • Take the second batch of water and boil it down too. (I use a separate sauce pan to do the final lower temp reduction in.)
  • Put the left over cannabis in another pot with water and boil it too, several times. Add the water to the final reduction pan when it becomes thick like a milky tea.
  • Now add the kief mixture you had set aside to the black, sticky pot-water reductions, slowly bringing the temperature down. As the water evaporates take it off the heat and put it back on, that helps to not to burn the resin. The end result is something that looks like very sticky black hash.
This cannabis resin is water-soluble and can be added back into water to treat burns and heal wounds and be added to teas.
The normal dose for most people is 1/2 the size of a single grain of rice, 3-5 times per day. Slowly increase your dose when you become used to the medicine by 1/2 rice-size increments until you are taking about a gram a day. If you start to experience an uncomfortable "high" then dial back on the dose untill you have a comfortable platform to move to the next increase in doseage. The point is to be taking as much of this as your body is able to tolerate. You cannot die of overdose, but you might get paranoid and feel like you're going to die if you take too much. Start small and slowly build your way up to a larger dose.
Watch Herb the Herbalist give a LIVE demonstration of cannabis juicing and resin extracting on Pot TV