So if you don't already know this, you should know it now that there are not exact perceptions or exact recommendations on how much cannabis one should use. Especially because there are so many different ways to use cannabis: smoke, vape, eat, drink, rub it on. The instructions and doses are very individualized. It's not like take one pill very 4-6 hours for pain. Cannabis in my opinion is a truly personal medicine and your dose has to be discovered and determined by you. The cannabis community has tried to come up with industry standards for how much edibles people should consume per dose, but it varies from 15-30 mg per person. I think that is a pretty big range and I personally have seen patients need much less for their needs (more like 7.5 mg when eating it)
So now that I have confused you, that there isn't one set dose, I hopefully have not scared you away from trying cannabis as your medicine (remember to just start off small, and work up from there)
Before I go on, I want to add this very important part about cannabis, to date not one person has actually died from the over consumption of cannabis. There are myths and rumors, but truly not one proven case that any has died from the over use of cannabis. Over medicating can be uncomfortable and even worse feel like you are dying. But you are not dying, you are paranoid. Too much cannabis can have serious feeling symptoms, but in truth telling your self you have over medicated, try and breathe and sleep if you can and tomorrow you will feel completely different.
In addition to that, I recently watched Weed #3 with Dr. Gupta, and scientist are studying in eupore that cannabis does not affect the neurotransmitters in the brain stem unlike other drugs where it does cause the damage that other drugs can cause, thus why cannabis has not killed anyone. It doesn't damage the brain like other drugs, in fact new studies are saying it can help reproduce and regrow damaged brain cells from the beneficial cannabinoids in cannabis.
In the 6 + years I have worked in the dispensary helping patients directly, I have learned that because patients are sick of the side affects of the medicines they are being prescribed, and often they don't work, or the side affects are worse that the disease itself, people are not waiting for long term studies on the negative affects of using cannabis. I keep calling this the cannabis can generation, It is! People are stepping out of their comfort zones and trying cannabis for all kinds of issues. Pain, seizures, PTSD, MS, Crone disease, migraine and much much more.
I am amazed that over the last oh 2 years I have seen a jump in brand new cannabis patients. They are not going to wait for legalization, they want to try cannabis for medicinal purposes and are going to doctors willing to recommend they try it.
Remember I will go into more specific blogs on how to use cannabis, since there are so many different ways that it can be affective, so keep reading my blog, (even follow it) and I promise to continue to cover as many topics of cannabis that I can write about.
If you think cannabis is bull crap, and will not work for you, I am sure like other medicines it WONT. But if you are tired of your pain pills, or living with spasms, no appetite or not sleeping, having PTSD, please think about giving cannabis a try. I talk with patients everyday on how cannabis has changed their lives, relationships and attitude of life.
Yes there are those so called "stoners" that say they just get high to get high. But upon longer conversations, I find a common ground and we can develop the reason they may use cannabis is to escape from past experiences that caused them harm. PTSD! Some reading this is saying that is just addiction, well maybe, but maybe not. If cannabis can help your mind escape the over whelming traumas that have occurred, and trauma to the point, you are no longer living, loving caring about anything. But cannabis, can put those traumas' out of point of view, causing side affects of euphoria, enlightment, happiness, calmness. Which would you choose.
Yes, there are many skeptics on cannabis, and drugs and why we use them. I see cannabis as a way that can help people in so many different ways its incredible.
Please post questions, comments, and subjects you want written about. if I can't write about it myself, I will go out and find another article and share it with you. With full credit to the blogger, author of course.
Ican cannabis blogger
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